# 1290-pinia
# 题目描述
Create a type-level function whose types is similar to Pinia (opens new window) library. You don't need to implement function actually, just adding types.
# Overview
This function receive only one parameter whose type is an object. The object contains 4 properties:
- just a string (required)state
- a function which will return an object as store's state (required)getters
- an object with methods which is similar to Vue's computed values or Vuex's getters, and details are below (optional)actions
- an object with methods which can do side effects and mutate state, and details are below (optional)
# Getters
When you define a store like this:
const store = defineStore({
// ...other required fields
getters: {
getSomething() {
return 'xxx';
And you should use it like this:
instead of:
store.getSomething(); // error
Additionally, getters can access state and/or other getters via this
, but state is read-only.
# Actions
When you define a store like this:
const store = defineStore({
// ...other required fields
actions: {
doSideEffect() {
this.xxx = 'xxx';
return 'ok';
Using it is just to call it:
const returnValue = store.doSideEffect();
Actions can return any value or return nothing, and it can receive any number of parameters with different types. Parameters types and return type can't be lost, which means type-checking must be available at call side.
State can be accessed and mutated via this
. Getters can be accessed via this
but they're read-only.
# 分析
这个题目也是比较贴合实际的(不过不熟悉 pinia 的人就麻烦点了,题目都得理解半天)。
其实和 6-SimpleVue 非常类似,本质也是在 actions 和 getter 中注入 this 即可。
不过这里需要注意的是,根据用例:getter 映射后的值是不可更改,同时 state 中的值在 getter 中也是不可更改的。具体规则建议直接看用例。
# 题解
// 转换 getters,取出返回值,并增加 readonly 标签
type TransGetters<T> = {
readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : never;
type Options<D, G, A> = {
id: string;
state: (this: null) => D;
// getters 中的 this 可以访问 只读的state 和自身的返回值类型
getters: G & ThisType<Readonly<D> & TransGetters<G>>;
// actions 中的 this 可以访问 state,自身,和 getter 的返回值类型
actions: A & ThisType<D & A & TransGetters<G>>;
declare function defineStore<D, G, A>(
store: Options<D, G, A>,
): // 返回值可以直接访问 state ,和 getter 的返回值类型 以及 action 和 init 方法
D & TransGetters<G> & A & { init: () => void };
# 知识点
- 比较贴合实际,本质和前几道 vue 相关的题目没有太大区别,掌握 this 和 ThisType 用法对着用例分析即可